It’s a dangerous world. Identity theft, hackers, and fraud are just a few of the dangers associated with the internet. It’s important for you as an online business to overcome these barriers to build immediate trust and credibility with your users. In this article, we’ll give you six great tips to help you build trust with your website visitors.


1. Build Trust with Badges or Emblems

If your company offers a money-back guarantee or there’s some sort of quality affirmation on your website, placing a badge near it will build trust. Say you offer a 2 year warranty, you could put a small badge image near this to boost credibility. You can also place a badge near your buy-now button. The best color to use for this badge is gold due to it’s association with value and worth, though you can use any color with the exception of red. Red tends to generate a warning or caution response in people.


2. Client Logos and reviews

Another good thing to do is to show off previous, satisfied customers. Nothing helps build trust like a good work history. This shows that you have work experience and that your other customers were pleased with you. Another great thing to do is to allow reviews from satisfied clients, called testimonials. This will show that you can be trusted to do good work.


3. Payment Logos

As mentioned before, one of the dangers on the web is identity theft, which is something most people are terrified off. This fear can harm your business. One of the things you can do to combat this is to provide payment logos near the checkout button. Recognizable logos such as Paypal will build trust with your customers and reduce shopping cart abandonment.


4. Personal About Page

The About page is much more important than it might seem. An About page lets the user know who’s behind the product they’re buying. A strong About page will create an identity for your business, something that’s really important. You also need to put a face behind your company, a literal face. Have a professional picture of yourself and the other members of your team on your About page. This will let your users know you stand by your company.


5. Be informative

Useful information such as a blog, infographics, or how-to guides will provide a steady stream of traffic to your site. While these users may not buy anything right off the bat, you’re establishing your website as a thought leader. This will, in time, convert over into sales. Providing useful, informative information will build trust with your users and establish your credibility.


6. The Design

The design of your website is one of the most important aspects of building trust. An outdated site will provide a terrible first impression and lead the user to think that you don’t care about your business. And once they leave, they aren’t coming back. Have your site redesigned using modern techniques such as minimalism and responsive web design, so that you’re providing the best user experience possible. It will pay off.



It’s a lot harder to build trust with an online store than with a brick and mortar one. Following the tips we’ve outlined in this article will ensure you’ve got a strong foundation to build on. If you’re not getting enough conversions on your website it may be time to have it redesigned. You can contact us for a free consultation.

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